Mxt Collective
Based in the Bay Area, CA

“The Borderlands are physically present wherever two or more cultures edge each other, where people of different races occupy the same territory, where under, lower, middle and upper classes touch, where the space between two individuals shrinks with intimacy.” – Gloria Anzaldúa
About Us
Mxt Collective is a group of artists, writers, makers, and creatives who are individually of mixed backgrounds, cultural ties, and presentations. It prioritizes individuals of minoritized experiences, with emphasis on BIPOC experience.
The collective functions as a space to hold discussion about individual identity conflicts and their cultivation into our creative practices, a space for community engagement, support, and brainstorming, a space to curate shows, workshops, and projects, a space to recenter, and a space to expand mutually.
Click here to check out our upcoming events & other resources!

» To help inspire and encourage continual expansion, growth, accountability, and learning, both internal in ourselves and external in our relationships with others. The more expansive this collective container is, the more strength we have in using these conversations and questions as a powerful tool of language and art-making to bridge the “borderlands,” not just of our own complex identities but the borderlands of all the diverse identities of those around us as well.
Monthly Meetings
Zines + Publications
Art Shows
Artist Led Workshops
Project Facilitation
Panel Discussions

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